You may be confusing Celsius and Fahrenheit. While would be above the boiling point of water (which is
is well below the boiling point of water (which is
The cost of the down payment is . The amount left over is
This is the correct fraction that is left over, not the amount in dollars. You could find the answer by multiplying this fraction by the total amount: . The correct answer is $1250.
You may have found of the total cost instead of
. The cost of the down payment is
. The correct answer is $1250.
The amount of money the students have raised so far is . They still need to raise
This is the fraction that they still need to raise, not the amount in dollars. You could find the answer by multiplying this fraction by the total amount: . The correct answer is $880.
You may have made an error in your calculations. The amount of money the students have raised so far is . Subtract this product from the total to find the amount they still need to raise . The correct answer is $880.
You may have been thinking of quart. Multiply by
The correct answer is 6 cups.
You may have multiplied 4 feet by . You should multiply 4 feet by
Be careful to use the correct units. The correct proportion is . The answer is 16 horn players.
Set up a proportion. Cross multiply and use division to find the unknown value.
The boiling point of water is Celsius, and
is just below this temperature, so this could be the temperature of the water.
You may have converted to the number of ounces. Multiply by .
The correct answer is 6 cups.
The relationship can be written as the fraction . This can be simplified by dividing the numerator and denominator by 4.
The rate as a fraction is . The unit rate is
Aliyah's rate is . When you simplify this, be careful not to switch the units of measure.
The rate is . Divide the numerator and the denominator by 6. This gives you the unit rate of 46 books per shelf.
This is the correct rate, but not the unit rate. Divide the numerator and the denominator by 6. The answer is .
The rate is . When you simplify this, be careful not to switch the units of measure. The answer is
The problem compares quantities with different units, so it can be described as a rate. 46:1 is a ratio. The answer is .
The rate is . Express the fraction with 1 in the denominator to find the number of feet traveled in one second.
The rate is . When you simplify this, be careful not to switch the units of measure.
The rate is . Express the fraction with 1 in the denominator by dividing the numerator and denominator by 4.
6.98 rounds up to 7, and then . This means he has enough for 10 CDs, and not enough for 11 CDs.
The Spring Water rate is
and the Fresh Water rate is .
You may have multiplied 4 feet by . You should multiply 4 feet by
You may have multiplied 4 feet by . You should multiply 4 feet by
You may have been thinking of converting feet to yards and multiplied by . You need to multiply by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 66 inches by . You need to multiply 66 inches by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 66 inches by . You need to multiply 66 inches by
to get the correct answer.
There are 2,000 pounds in a ton.
You may have thought that . You need to use
and then add 12 inches and 9 inches.
You may have thought that . You need to use
and then add 12 inches and 9 inches.
You may have multiplied 4 yards by and then added 2 feet. You need to multiply 4 yards by
and then add 2 feet. The correct answer is 14 feet.
You may have multiplied 4 yards by and then added 2 feet. You need to multiply 4 yards by
and then add 2 feet. The correct answer is 14 feet.
You may have multiplied 4 yards by , but then forgot to add 2 feet. The correct answer is 14 feet.
You may have multiplied 3 feet by and then added 5 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 5 inches.
You may have multiplied 3 feet by and then added 5 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 5 inches.
You may have multiplied 4 feet by and then added 10 inches. You need to multiply 4 feet by
and then add 10 inches.
You may have multiplied 4 feet by and then added 10 inches. You need to multiply 4 feet by
and then add 10 inches.
You may have forgotten to convert the cost per yard to the cost per foot. You need to multiply the cost per yard by .
You may have multiplied the cost per yard by 3. You need to multiply the cost per yard by .
You may have just divided $16.50 by 3. You need to divide $16.50 by 10 to find the cost per yard and then multiply the result by .
. To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you can use the formula
Because , the equation for this problem is
. The corresponding division is
, so
. Rewriting this as a percent gives 25%.
The relationship can be written as the fraction . This can be simplified by dividing the numerator and denominator by 2.
The rate is . Divide the numerator and the denominator by 9. This gives you the unit rate of 32 seats per row.
This is the correct rate, but not the unit rate. Divide the numerator and the denominator by 9. The correct answer:
The rate is . When you simplify this rate, be careful not to switch the units of measure. The correct answer:
The problem compares quantities with different units, so it can be described as a rate. 32:1 is a ratio. The correct answer:
The rate is . Express the fraction with 1 in the denominator to find the number of bottles per minute.
The rate is . When you simplify this rate, be careful not to switch the units of measure.
The rate as a fraction is . The unit rate is
Jim's rate is . When you simplify this, be careful not to switch the units of measure.
The Kitty Kibbles rate is
and the Feline Flavor rate is .
The rate is . Express the fraction with 1 in the denominator by dividing the numerator and denominator by 5.
You may have been thinking of converting feet to yards and multiplied by . You need to multiply by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 42 inches by . You need to multiply 42 inches by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 42 inches by . You need to multiply 42 inches by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 5 feet by . You should multiply 5 feet by
You may have multiplied 5 feet by . You should multiply 5 feet by
You may have multiplied 5 feet by . You should multiply 5 feet by
You may have multiplied 4 feet by and then added 3 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 3 inches.
You may have multiplied 4 feet by and then added 3 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 3 inches.
You may have multiplied 5 yards by and then added 1 foot. You need to multiply 5 yards by
and then add 1 foot. The correct answer is 16 feet.
You may have multiplied 5 yards by and then added 1 foot. You need to multiply 5 yards by
and then add 1 foot. The correct answer is 16 feet.
You may have correctly multiplied 5 yards by , but then you may have forgotten to add 1 foot. The correct answer is 16 feet.
You may have thought that . You need to use
and then add 12 inches and 3 inches.
You may have thought that . You need to use
and then add 12 inches and 3 inches.
To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you can use the formula .
You may have converted the 200 feet to , then found the total perimeter in yards. You need to convert the 180 yards to feet, then find the total perimeter.
You may have forgotten to convert the cost per yard to the cost per foot. You need to multiply the cost per yard by .
You may have multiplied the cost per yard by 3. You need to multiply the cost per yard by to get the correct answer.
You may have just divided $15.30 by 3. You need to divide $15.30 by 10 to find the cost per yard and then multiply the result by to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 3 feet by and then added 6 inches. You need to multiply 3 feet by
and then add 6 inches.
You may have multiplied 3 feet by and then added 6 inches. You need to multiply 3 feet by
and then add 6 inches.
You may be thinking of the ratio of 330 cars to 10 cars, but this does not tell you how many SUVs there are. You need to set up a proportion and solve for the unknown number of SUVs. The correct proportion is . The answer is 99 SUVs.
You may have divided 330 by 30. You need to set up a proportion and solve for the unknown number of SUVs. The correct proportion of SUVs to cars is . The answer is 99 SUVs.
Set up a proportion. Cross multiply and use division to find the unknown value.
Convert both amounts to gallons and add:
The amount left over is gallons.
You may have thought that there were 2 quarts in one gallon. There are 4 quarts in one gallon. The correct answer is .
You may have confused pints and cups, and incorrectly converted 8 pints to . The correct answer is
You may have found the total for 8 quarts and 2 pints, instead of the given 2 quarts and 8 pints. The correct answer is .
He needs 20 pints.
, while
Because , the equation for this problem is
. The corresponding division is
, so
The amount is 8, the base is 20, and the percent is unknown. Use the equation . The left side is
, and the right side is
If you use the equation , the left side is correct, but you have confused the amount and the base.
If you use the equation , then you have written a proportion with 8% being equal to an unknown amount over 20. The unknown in this problem is the percent.
, so the total weight of the apples and oranges was
grams. The weight of the bananas was
You may have correctly done the conversion , but forgot to convert the 315 dekagrams to grams when adding the weights of the apples and the oranges.
The distance between the cities is , or 280 kilometers.
You may not have converted correctly from meters to kilometers. . The correct answer is
You may have correctly converted the distance between cities to 280 kilometers, and then solved the proportion . The correct equation would be
. The correct answer is
The total weight is 8 pounds. The first 4 cost $1.50 and the other 4 cost . Together: $5.50
. Convert pounds to tons:
He needs 48 cups of tea. Converting cups to gallons:
You may be confusing Celsius and Fahrenheit. While would be close to the boiling point of water (which is
is far below the boiling point of water (which is
This is the correct freezing point of water in degrees Celsius, but it is the boiling point of water in degrees Fahrenheit. The correct answer is and
This is the correct freezing point of water in degrees Celsius, but 100 degrees would be the boiling point in degrees Celsius. Thec orrect answer is and
This temperature is below the freezing point of water, which is . Therefore, the lake could be frozen.
You may be confusing Celsius and Fahrenheit. While would be below the freezing point of water (which is
is above the freezing point of water (which is
). The correct answer is
The freezing point of water is . Because
is above this, the water could not be frozen. The correct answer is
You may be confusing Celsius and Fahrenheit. While would be below the freezing point of water (which is
is above the freezing point of water (which is
). The correct answer is
These are the boiling points of water, not the freezing points. The correct answer is and
You may have been thinking of gallons. Multiply:
. The correct answer is 9 pints.
The bottles will be filled by fluid ounces. Converting ounces to gallons:
, so the total volume of juices is
liters more juice than sparkling water.
You may have correctly done the conversion , but forgot to convert the 0.25 dekaliters to liters when adding the volumes of the juices.
The distance between the cities is , or 921 kilometers.
You may have correctly converted the distance between cities to 921 kilometers, and then solved the proportion . The correct equation would be
You may not have converted correctly from meters to kilometers.
This is the correct freezing point of water in degrees Celsius, but it is the boiling point of water in degrees Fahreheit. The answer is and
This is the correct freezing point of water in degrees Celsius, but 100 degrees would be the boiling point in degrees Celsius. The answer is and
These are the boiling points of water, not the freezing points. The answer is and
Converting Montreal's temperature to Fahrenheit:
You may have mixed up which city had which temperature while calculating. New York's temperature is . You need to convert Montreal's temperature to Fahrenheit to compare it with New York's temperature.
, and
, so the total is
. And
You used the wrong formula. To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius, use the formula . The correct answer is
You used the ratio in the conversion formula, instead of
. The correct answer is
You added 32 to the degrees Fahrenheit in the conversion formula, instead of subtracting 32. The correct answer is .
, not 10. So after drinking 6 of the 20, 14 are left.
You seem to have counted cups instead of pints. , but only 20 pints. If 6 are gone, 14 are left.
, and
He needs 32 pints and .
You multiplied by a factor of 3 instead of 6.
You may have incorrectly converted 1,750 pounds to tons by moving the decimal point 3 places to the left, and then subtracted 1.75 from 2. You must multiply the number of pounds by if you want to convert from pounds to tons.
Convert the pounds to ounces:
Add the two weights: .
You may have multiplied the 4 pounds by before adding it to the 7 ounces. You should multiply by
. The correct answer is 71 ounces.
You may have incorrectly converted 2,400 pounds to tons by moving the decimal point 3 places to the left, and then subtracted 2.4 from 3. You must multiply the number of pounds by if you want to convert from pounds to tons. The correct answer is 3,600 pounds.
. Convert the pounds to ounces:
You may have multiplied the pounds by
before adding the pounds to the 4 ounces. You should multiply by
to get the correct number of ounces in any number of pounds.
Convert pounds to ounces:
. Calculate the cost:
Convert pounds to tons:
Convert pounds to ounces:
Calculate the cost:
Converting Bordeaux's temperature to Fahrenheit:
You may have mixed up which city had which temperature while calculating. Austin's temperature is . You need to convert Bordeaux's temperature to Fahrenheit to compare it with Austin's temperature.
You used the wrong formula. To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, use the formula . The correct answer is
You used the ratio in the conversion formula, instead of
. The correct answer is
You subtracted 32 in the conversion formula, instead of adding 32. The correct answer is .
. So there are
fluid ounces.
There are fluid ounces.
You may have thought the starting temperature was instead of
. The problem asks you to find
Levi is overdrawn, so another $28 must be subtracted.
You only calculated the change in temperature, and did not add it to the initial temperature of .
You added and
instead of multiplying
You added and $3 instead of multiplying
You correctly divided $196 by 7, but each friend's debt is . A negative number divided by a positive gives a negative quotient, meaning each friend has a debt of $28. The correct answer is
You multiplied the debt of the group by 7 instead of dividing by 7. The correct answer is .
You mutliplied the debt of the group by 7, instead of dividing by 7, and you failed to give the answer a negative sign. The correct answer is .
You correctly found the difference of the absolute values of the addends. You need to apply the sign of the addend with the greater absolute value. The correct answer is .
The freezing point for Substance B is found by adding . Since the addends have different signs, you must find the difference of the absolute values and give the sum the same sign as the addend with the greater absolute value. The correct answer is
The freezing point for Substance B is found by adding . You added the absolute values of the addends, and applied a negative sign. Since the addends have different signs, so you must find the difference of the absolute values and give the sum the same sign as the addend with the greater absolute value. The correct answer is
You wrote the equation: and solved it to obtain the right answer.
You combined terms in and independent terms. Then applied the Multiplicative Property of Equality to isolate the variable and solve.
You may have made an error when finding the common denominator of the fractions that are coefficients of .
It seems like you could have made an error when applying the Multiplicative Property of Equality to the equation just before you solved for .
You may have made an error when combining terms in .
You may have made an error when combining terms in .
By applying the Addition Property of Equality you combined the terms in and the independent ones together, then applied the Multiplicative Property of Equality to find the value of
You may have applied incorrectly the Addition Property of Equality at the beginning of the solution. If you apply it correctly and then apply the Multiplicative Property of Equality you will arrive at as the correct answer.
You may have forgotten to apply the Multiplicative Property of Equality to the right side, towards the end of your solution process. If you apply the Addition and Multiplicative Properties of Equality, you will arrive at the correct answer: .
You may have incorrectly applied the Multiplicative Property of Equality towards the end of your solution. If you correctly apply both the Multiplicative and Addition Properties of Equality you will arrive at . the correct answer.
If that were the case you would have arrived at .
Your wrote and solved the correct equation:
You must have written and solved:
But that is not the correct equation.
At some point in the solution you must have come up incorrectly with .
At some point in your solution you must have written, incorrectly:
That would be a convenient price for a shirt! You must have written the equation: `6\\` and solved to get that answer. However, the correct equation is: , and when you solve it you get the right answer:
A shirt at that price would be a real bargain! However, it seems that you wrote the incorrect equation: . and solved it to get that answer. The correct equation is:
, and when you solve it you get the right answer:
A negative price would mean that you get paid to buy the item. In solving the equation you must have come up with , and went on to obtain the negative quantity for an answer. However, the correct equation is:
, and when you solve it you get the right answer:
It seems like you came up with at some point in your solution. Revise your thinking.
It seems like you came up with at some point in your solution. Revise your thinking.
It looks like you came up with at some point. Revise your thinking.
You applied
You multiplied by a factor of 5 instead of 6.
You multiplied by a factor of 2 instead of 6.
You seem to have applied the Multiplicative Property of Equality incorrectly. and
should not be added together.
You seem to have subtracted and
from 315. Apply the Multiplicative Property of Equality to solve correctly.
If you start with an amount and subtract the amount you owe, then the result is the amount left over. Beth has left over, which means she still owes her sister another $2. A negative amount of money means there is a debt.
If you start with an amount and subtract the amount you owe, then the result is the amount left over. She has left over, not $2.
The equation is about Beth's money. She has left over, which means that she has a debt.
Tracy is overdrawn, so another $35 must be subtracted.
If you start with an amount and subtract the amount you owe, then the result is the amount left over. Mark has left over, which means he still owes his dad another $4. A negative amount of money means there is a debt.
If you start with an amount and subtract the amount you owe, then the result is the amount left over. Mark has left over, not $4.
The equation is about Mark's money. He has left over, which means that he has a debt.
You may have thought the starting temperature was instead of
. The problem is asking you to find
You found the debt for the 7 tickets without including the fee. The amount you need to calculate is . The correct answer is
You added a $25 fee for each ticket, when the fee was for the entire order. The amount that you need to calculate is . The correct answer is
You added and
instead of multiplying
You added and $5 instead of multiplying
You only calculated the change in temperature, and did not add it to the initial temperature of .
You probably correctly found , but then added the $15 to this amount. It is true that the tour company added the fee, but this amount is also a debt, so you should be adding
to the cost of the 9 tickets.
You may have divided both sides by 9. That would leave you with . This would not mean that x is equal to
. The correct answer is
It seems that you added 3 instead of multiplying both sides of the equation by 3. If you add 3 to that will not leave you with x, and you must do the same thing to both sides. The correct answer is
It seems that you divided by 3 instead of multiplying both sides of the equation by 3. If you divide by 3 that will not leave you with x, and you must do the same thing to both sides. The correct answer is
Rate equals work done over time, or . Henry's rate for the previous job was
square feet per hour. His rate for the new job will be
square feet per hour. These two rates are equal.
Use the fact that rate equals work done over time, or . Henry's rate for the previous job was 200 square feet per hour. The fraction
does not express Henry's rate for the new job.
You may have chosen this answer because you know that the number 169 has two square roots: 13 and . However, the symbol
means the positive square root.
It is true that the symbol stands for the positive square root and that multiplying by a negative will make the square root negative. However, those are facts about the value or output of the function. The domain, however, is the set of all possible values of the input x.
First use the power property, then use the quotient property:
You may have incorrectly rewritten the logarithm as . You must first use the power property, and then use the quotient property.
You may have simplified correctly for the first two steps, but then made a mistake with the factor 2. Start with the power property, then the quotient property:
If you have a term such as , you may not rewrite it with the factor 2 inside the logarithm.
The side opposite angle A has length 6, the side adjacent to angle A has length 8, and the hypotenuse has length 10.
The side opposite angle S has length 3, the side adjacent to angle S has length 2, and the hypotenuse has length .
The side opposite angle D has length 9, the side adjacent to angle D has length 40, and the hypotenuse has length 41.
The side opposite angle A has length 6, the side adjacent to angle A has length 8, and the hypotenuse has length 10.
The side opposite angle N has length , the side adjacent to angle N has length 5, and the hypotenuse has length 7.
The side opposite angle F has length 7, the side adjacent to angle F has length 24, and the hypotenuse has length 25.
It appears that you correctly used the Pythagorean Theorem to find , but you found the value of
. Remember the definition is:
You found the value of . First use the Pythagorean Theorem to find h:
After solving for h, use the definition of sine:
You found the value of . First use the Pythagorean Theorem to find x:
After solving for x, use the definition of tangent:
It appears that you correctly used the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse. However, you have found the value of . Remember that:
The correct answer is .
It appears that you correctly used the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse. However, you have found the value of . Remember that:
The correct answer is .
You found the value of . First use the Pythagorean Theorem to find b:
After solving for b, use the definition of cosecant:
You found the value of . First use the Pythagorean Theorem to find h:
After solving for h, use the definition of cosine:
It appears that you correctly used the Pythagorean Theorem to find , but you found the value of
. Remember the definition is:
You found the value of . Remember that the two acute angles in a right triangle will have different trigonometric ratios. First use the Pythagorean Theorem to find p:
After solving for p, use the definition of sine:
It appears that you correctly used the Pythagorean Theorem to find , but you found the value of
. Use the definition of sine:
It appears that you correctly used the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse. However, you have found the value of . Remember that:
It appears that you correctly used the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse. However, you have found the value of . Remember that:
You found the value of . First use the Pythagorean Theorem to find e:
After solving for e, use the definition of cotangent:
The correct answer is .
Use the definition of tangent together with the given value:
, which rounds off to 1.9.
Use the definition of cosine together with the given value:
, which rounds off to 5.6.
To use the formula for radian measure, you must first have the radius and the arc length in the same units, so you must convert one of them. Now
, so:
To use the formula for radian measure, you must first have the radius and the arc length in the same units, so you must convert one of them.
The definition of amplitude is . The expression
will give you the same value.
The definition of amplitude is . This turns out to be equal to the height of one hill, or the depth of one valley.
You may have multiplied 42 inches by . You need to multiply 42 inches by
to get the correct answer.
The Fresh Water rate is
and the Spring Water rate is
The Kitty Kibbles rate is
and the Feline Flavor rate is .
You may have multiplied 44 inches by . You need to multiply 44 inches by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 3 feet by and then added 8 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 5 inches.
You may have been thinking of converting feet to yards and multiplied by . You need to multiply by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 72 inches by . You need to multiply 72 inches by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 72 inches by . You need to multiply 72 inches by
to get the correct answer.
You may have been thinking of converting feet to yards and multiplied by . You need to multiply by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 78 inches by . You need to multiply 78 inches by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 78 inches by . You need to multiply 78 inches by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 4 feet by and then added 5 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 5 inches.
You may have multiplied 4 feet by and then added 5 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 5 inches.
You may have multiplied 4 feet by and then added 6 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 6 inches.
You may have multiplied 4 feet by and then added 6 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 6 inches.
. To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you can use the formula
To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you can use the formula .
You may have converted the 200 feet to , then found the total perimeter in yards. You need to convert the 130 yards to feet, then find the total perimeter.
and .
. Convert the pounds to ounces:
You may have multiplied the pounds by
before adding the pounds to the 2 ounces. You should multiply by
to get the correct number of ounces in any number of pounds.
Convert pounds to tons:
Convert pounds to ounces:
Calculate the cost:
. So there are
fluid ounces.
He needs 40 pints.
, while
He needs 16 pints.
, while
The distance between the cities is or 920 kilometers.
You may have correctly converted the distance between cities to 920 kilometers, and then solved the proportion . The correct equation would be
You may be confusing Celsius and Fahrenheit. While would be above the boiling point of water (which is
is well below the boiling point of water (which is
You may be confusing Celsius and Fahrenheit. While would be close to the boiling point of water (which is
is far below the boiling point of water (which is
`F="9"/"5"*C + 32 = "9"/"5"*24 + 32 = "216"/"5" + 32 = 43 "1"/"5" + 32 = 75 "1"/"5" ` or
To find the mean, add the scores and divide that sum by 5, the number of scores:
To find the median, arrange the values in order from least to greatest and identify the middle value: 81, 85, 88, 93, 98. The median is 88.
The mean with a value of 89 is larger than the median whose value is 88.
You probably correctly found , but then added the $10 to this amount. It is true that the tour company added the fee, but this amount is also a debt, so you should be adding
to the cost of the 8 tickets.
The side opposite angle D has length 9, the side adjacent to angle D has length 40, and the hypotenuse has length 41.
It appears that you correctly used the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse. However, you have found the value of . Remember that:
You may have multiplied 42 inches by . You need to multiply 42 inches by
to get the correct answer.
The rate is . Express the fraction with 1 in the denominator to find the number of bottles per minute.
You may have multiplied 3 feet by and then added 5 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 8 inches.
The Spring Water rate is
and the Fresh Water rate is .
The Feline Flavor rate is
and the Kitty Kibbles rate is .
You may have multiplied 44 inches by . You need to multiply 44 inches by
to get the correct answer.
You may have been thinking of converting feet to yards and multiplied by . You need to multiply by
to get the correct answer.
You may have been thinking of converting feet to yards and multiplied by . You need to multiply by
to get the correct answer.
You may have multiplied 5 feet by and then added 3 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 3 inches.
You may have multiplied 5 feet by and then added 3 inches. You need to multiply by
and then add 3 inches.
To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you can use the formula .
You may have converted the 200 feet to , then found the total perimeter in yards. You need to convert the 230 yards to feet, then find the total perimeter.
. Convert the pounds to ounces:
You may have multiplied the pounds by
before adding the pounds to the 6 ounces. You should multiply by
to get the correct number of ounces in any number of pounds.
Convert pounds to tons:
. So there are
fluid ounces.
The distance between the cities is , or 900 kilometers.
You may have correctly converted the distance between cities to 900 kilometers, and then solved the proportion . The correct equation would be
You may not have converted correctly from meters to kilometers.
You may be confusing Celsius and Fahrenheit. While would be above the boiling point of water (which is
is well below the boiling point of water (which is
You may be confusing Celsius and Fahrenheit. While would be close to the boiling point of water (which is
is far below the boiling point of water (which is
You probably correctly found , but then added the $20 to this amount. It is true that the tour company added the fee, but this amount is also a debt, so you should be adding
to the cost of the 12 tickets.
The side opposite angle D has length 9, the side adjacent to angle D has length 40, and the hypotenuse has length 41.
It appears that you correctly used the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the adjacent side. However, you have found the value of . Remember that:
It appears that you correctly used the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the adjacent side. However, you have found the value of . Remember that:
To use the formula for radian measure, you must first have the radius and the arc length in the same units, so you must convert one of them. Now
, so: